April Core ChallengeSome of you may remember a number of months back we had a push - up challenge. Then, we followed that up with a core challenge. It consisted of five exercises and took less than five minutes per day to complete. There were daily accountability posts at Training Edge Sports on Facebook as well as BONUS material trickled in on the event page throughout the month. We are doing it again! Our goal is 150 participants. April is a big month for Training Edge Sports as we work to brand Jon Howard and launch Energize!. Experience the benefits of regular exercise. I'll tell you about it briefly here. There is accountability built in and the workouts take as little as 15 minutes, six days a week. I have it broken into three phases so as your fitness level increases; you will progress along with it. The exercises get more difficult in each phase and the timing becomes more challenging as well. I have laid it out very simply for you to follow. Progress as your own pace and unlock a new phase by checking in with me via email to receive your next set of workouts and motivation! Hold on. I got away from myself there with all that Energize! talk. In April, experience daily core work for yourself. Let’s see if we can get to 150 participants. If you have already joined the April Core Challenge invite your friends. If you haven’t yet joined, go for it!
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Vision, Block, ACTION!What I've decided to share with you today are a few of the first words you'll see once you decide to experience ACTION for yourself.
"Nothing happens unless we take massive action towards our goals and dreams. In my 15+ years coaching and training I’ve learned that the majority of individuals would rather spend their lives in planning or block scheduling. There’s an inherent risk in taking action. There’s also incredible reward in the kind of action I’m going to explain here. What kind of action are we talking about? I’m not talking about the three week plan that fizzles once the novelty wears off. I see that far too often. The kind of action I’m talking about here is the kind that perseveres through adversity and overcomes obstacles that may seem insurmountable at the time. These might include fear, failure or push back from those who would rather push you down than put in the effort to lift themselves up." There's not much fancy about taking action. We can live paralyzed by limiting beliefs and fear or we can rise up to face the challenges that come along with putting ourselves out there. Take massive action today and experience the success that goes along with it. There are two options really when talking about scheduling. You can either live ahead of your schedule or you can live behind your schedule. Both affect others. When I was in college I had a football coach who said, “To be five minutes early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and to be late is to be forgotten.” I believe there is a lot of truth to that. It is understood that there are exceptions to every rule. I've got an applicable exercise for you today. At some point before the day ends, take a look at your calendar for the following day and put it together. Factor in drive times and eat times. Go to bed early enough so you won’t be snoozing your morning away. Be realistic in your planning. Give yourself more time than is necessary to transition and shift between appointments or activities. Many people do have schedules and work hard to adhere to their calendar. Some people could care less. Understand this; if you haven’t figured out how to master your own calendar, you are affecting the lives of everyone you come in contact with. And... It shows up like you don't care or respect their time. Here is what I would recommend. Get clear on your schedule and be respectful to those who are giving their precious time to you. Block scheduling is a tool I learned awhile back. I have found that when I’m in my best rhythm, I take the time to plan and create a calendar that works for me. Being on time is a small part of efficient scheduling. This program also involves Efficiency Windows and Activity Timing discovery and development. 02 BLOCK is the program I’m working on to teach others who would like their scheduling habits to work for them. We have options in our lives as it relates to our vision for the future. What does this look like for you?
I want to invite you to join me in an exercise today: Sit back and imagine one day in your life. I don’t know how much time has passed until this day comes. The day you’re to think of is one that to this point you've only dreamed of. Maybe you are already living your dream and if that’s the case then this might not be for you. For the majority of us however, there are things and ways of being that we seek. The purpose of this exercise is to begin getting clear on what that looks like in your life. Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with? Let’s take this one step further now: You've got a broad view of your ultimate future. Now, what does your life look like three months from now? Is what you've done between now and then getting you closer or further away from your dream day? What can you do today that will begin moving you in the direction of your dreams? Your reality first comes to form in your mind. Regardless of your circumstances, you have the ability to choose your attitude and begin to shape your future today. If you let what life has “thrown” at you stop you from pursuing your dreams, you’ll never achieve them. If you begin to take action towards the picture you've painted of the days of your dreams, one day you may find yourself living in them. I challenge you to dream big and get clear on your vision for the future. What you see is likely what you’ll get. |
January 2025