Training Edge Sports searched for a nutritional supplement solution to provide for our clients for over a year. We wanted to make sure that we were 100% bought in to what the products we chose to recommend could do for our clients. We are committed to your health and success! AdvoCare as a Nutritional SolutionTraining Edge Sports is now an AdvoCare Advisor. What that means is we now provide the opportunity to purchase AdvoCare products through our website at Click the "nutritional solutions" tab to be directed to our store. Please email me at [email protected] if you would like to schedule a nutritional consultation and we’ll go over the products that will work best, specific to your individual needs. Most individuals start with the 24 Day Challenge. They report a huge increase in energy as a result, among many other benefits, including losing weight, losing inches, toning, feeling better, sleeping better, better skin - hair - nails. The list goes on. Here is a video about the AdvoCare 24 Day Challenge: Here is a link to our AdvoCare store – where you can purchase any of AdvoCare’s tested and trusted nutritional supplements. For you runners and weight lifters out there, check out this line of Performance Elite products. Here are a couple of the Performance Elite products that I'm excited about: O2 Gold - Nighttime Recovery - 24 Day Challenge GroupsAlso, we will be doing 24 Day Challenge Events at Training Edge Sports on Facebook for those who are participate with us. The events will be held periodically and the event will be created some two weeks prior to the 24 Day Challenge start giving all participants time to order and receive their products. These events are in place to offer support for those going through the challenge process. Make sure you "LIKE" Training Edge Sports on Facebook to be reminded of our events and challenges. Like I said earlier, we have been searching for a nutritional solution here at Training Edge Sports that we could truly stand behind and believe in. AdvoCare is that tested and trusted solution we've been after.
Visit our store to purchase products and share with your friends. Email Jon at [email protected] for more information. Jon Howard - Husband and Father of 3 | Ultra Endurance Athlete | Owner - Training Edge Sports
I recently had the opportunity to talk with a friend of mine Denny Krahe about Ultra Marathoning and 10x Traction Wellness, Career Integrated Wellness © system.
It was a great chance to reflect about my involvement in the ultra distance community and I got a little bit fired up when it came time to talk about wellness in the workplace. Career Integrated Wellness © is a huge miss at many small to mid sized businesses and I'm blessed to be a part of the shift in thinking that's taking place today. It won't be long before wellness is a staple in business. Those who choose to not participate will be left wishing they had or playing catch up once they opt in. Now is the time to take action. If you have the authority to say yes, contact me today. If you don't, share this message with someone who does. They will thank you. Check out the podcast here and leave a comment to let me know what your thoughts are about Career Integrated Wellness ©. Jon Howard - Husband and Father of 3 | Ultra Endurance Athlete | Owner - Training Edge Sports, 10x Traction Wellness "To understand the power of cravings in creating habits, consider how exercise habits emerge. In 2002 researchers at New Mexico State University wanted to understand why people habitually exercise. They studied 266 individuals, most of whom worked out at least three times a week. What they found was that many of them had started running or lifting weights almost on a whim, or because they suddenly had free time or wanted to deal with unexpected stresses in their lives. However, the reason they continued - why it became a habit - was because of a specific reward they started to crave.
In one group, 92 percent of people said they habitually exercises because it made them "feel good" - they grew to expect and crave the endorphins and other neurochemicals a workout provided. In another group, 67 percent of people said that working out gave them a sense of "accomplishment" - they had come to crave a regular sense of triumph from tracking their performances, and that self - reward was enough to make the physical activity into a habit. If you want to start running each morning, it's essential that you choose a simple cue (like always lacing up your sneakers before breakfast or leaving your running clothes next to your bed) and a clear reward (such as a midday treat, a sense of accomplishment from recording your miles, or the endorphin rush you get from a jog). But countless studies have shown that a cue and a reward, on their own, aren't enough for a new habit to last. Only when your brain starts expecting the reward - craving the endorphins or sense of accomplishment - will it become automatic to lace up your jogging shoes each morning. The cue, in addition to triggering a routine, must also trigger a craving for the reward to come." - A quote from The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Let me start by saying that I DO believe what I offer is unique and worth the time, energy and money for any small business looking to:
Those are just a few of the benefits of doing business with 10x Traction Wellness. Training Edge Sports is our “pop fitness” brand. I’ll have an ebook for sale in the next couple of weeks and we put on monthly Facebook challenges to keep you accountable and moving. Check it out at 10x Traction Wellness is the business I started in the last couple of months and we specialize in Career Integrated Wellness ©. We help small businesses make more money by focusing on the proactive side of human productivity. We do this while also lowering your insurance costs in the process. Our system has been successful in the past and we look forward to more success in the future. So, why am I not always actively seeking new business?
In order to keep laser focus on the small businesses that I am engaged, I’ll take on a maximum of 5 clients at any one time. The program I offer, 12 week trial period included, is a 36 month process so naturally I won’t need to be actively seeking new business all the time. I’m going to take a few paragraphs here to lay out the template for our Career Integrated Wellness Program in detail for you. Keep in mind this is merely a framework and the timeline may shift one way or another depending on each individual business. There are three phases each lasting 12 months. The first phase is Discovery, the second phase is Traction, and the third phase is Transition. Let me spend a moment on each of the three accompanied by a few of the key activities that go along with each. In Discovery, our focus is learning which direction to go as it relates to creating a Culture of Wellness. I would argue that more important than which direction, a better way to say it might be, how we get where we want to go. If this phase is rushed, our way may not be sustainable or integrate into the systems already in place. A few key activities are:
A few things included in the Discovery Phase of Career Integrated Wellness are:
In Traction our focus is empowering a Wellness and Performance Committee to “take the reins” so to speak. Our energy shifts from individual to group health and productivity. A few key activities are:
This is where you will see your break even ROI. Breakeven is 3x ROI in 10x Traction’s world. Here are a few things included in the Traction Phase of Career Integrated Wellness:
In Transition our focus shifts to influencing the world around us. That means our families and the global business climate. As we create a Culture of Wellness at one place of business, that will rub off into the world and begin to impact other businesses through our daily interactions. The committee has impacted the organization and now the organization can impact the climate through the city, state, region, country and world. A few key activities are:
A few things included in the Transition Phase are:
So there you have it. That is just the tip of the iceberg as it relates to all that our Career Integrated Wellness © can do for the organization that you own or work for. There is a lot to it. People tell me that I don’t work much. I would argue that I’m always working. My passion is helping other people and adding value to their lives. It inspires me to see real change and impact as many people as possible. Small businesses are under served and there are a lot of them that could be potential clients. I am excited to get started on my next project and help businesses make more money by focusing on the proactive side of health and productivity while also lowering insurance costs. I don’t actively seek new business often which is why it would behoove you to contact me before your competition does. Wellness in the workplace is the way the world is going and in 10 years if you don’t have a program in place, your business will be playing catch up. I’m going to give you one example from a company that I’m currently working with. In the past six months, they have made a number of key hires, many of which have stated the wellness program put them over the edge in making their decision. Their biggest problem right now is managing explosive growth. The leadership there took the leap and invested in the wellness of their organization and I have worked to integrate it into their way of being as a company. Our work is not done, but so far, we have seen incredible success! I am actively seeking new business RIGHT NOW! I want to get the conversation going with as many people as possible. My vision is clear for the results your program will experience. With over 15 years of unique coaching experience, I know how to motivate and make impactful decisions that will lead to success down the road. My ultra-marathoning experience has taught me to commit to taking action on those decisions and go with everything I have toward success. I am committed to finding the way forward by taking decisive action towards health and success. If you are ready to get the conversation started contact [email protected] today or share this message with someone who might have the authority to say YES! Be Well, Jon Howard – Husband and Father of 3 | Ultra Endurance Athlete | Owner – 10x Traction Wellness, Training Edge Sports [email protected] I recently went on a fishing trip to Canada where a number of the guys in our group fished for Big Pike. I’m talking 50” inchers that weighed 20 plus pounds. As a group there was 7 pike caught over 40”. Here’s a picture of one. One of the guys that went with is a wealth of information about how to catch the big ones. He grew up fishing the Mississippi River and really knew how to drive the boat. He also knew right where the big pike like to hang out. You see, the big ones don’t cruise around the whole lake, fighting the current looking for smaller fish to eat. Instead, they lie in wait. They find an area of calm water out of the drift and wait for all of the smaller fish to swim by in the current. The big ones have it figured out as apex predators in the waters of the Canadian Shield. They use the smallest amount of energy possible to get the greatest results. I’m not suggesting that we lie around being lazy. I often find myself reflecting on why many people spend their whole lives just trying to survive. Instead of using all of our energy 10 or 20% of the time, they spend their days running around the gerbil wheel wondering why nothing is changing. I learned that the big pike that we hunted in Ontario have it figured out. They haven’t only figured out how to catch an easy meal; they've figured out how we could use our energy as human beings to be as efficient as possible. Jon Howard - Husband and Father of 3 | Ultra Endurance Athlete | Owner - Training Edge Sports |
January 2025