I have always found that when I prepare for something it usually goes better than I thought it would. I have also found that when I fail to prepare it usually goes bad. In 8th grade English we were given the assignment of preparing and delivering a speech. I chose to do my speech on an umpire named Eric Gregg. I knew what I was supposed to do but I didn’t do it. I didn’t prepare. I still showed up to class and I still got up in front of the class to give my speech. With glasses bigger than my face measuring in as the shortest kid in my whole middle school, tears began rolling down my cheeks. I was so embarrassed and it was all because I hadn’t prepared at all. I've learned that being underprepared usually doesn't work the way we'd like it to. Prepare to be your best.
I help out of shape business executives integrate healthy individual and organizational habits into daily rhythms. I do this by using organization, insight and accountability. Visit Executive Fitness at jonhoward.co and contact me from there if you are interested in learning more.
Since I sobered up in 2013 I have been pursuing growth in my own life. Some days my expectations are very low. Some days I don’t even feel like getting out of bed. There are things to do though and sometimes the business of life can leave little time or energy for individual growth. There have been days when a page out of a book is the best I can do and there have been days when I have missed it all together. A football coach once told me, “You either get better or you get worse. You never stay the same.” He’s right. That’s why I feel like it’s important to always keep the pressure on growth. Grow.
I help out of shape business executives integrate healthy individual and organizational habits into daily rhythms. I do this by using organization, insight and accountability. Visit Executive Fitness at jonhoward.co and contact me from there if you are interested in learning more.
We all do things we wished we hadn’t. I have a lot of examples in my own life. If you’ve been following me for any length of time you know they have occupied much of my mind and energy. One thing that has really helped me lately has been letting go of things that no longer serve me. We all have a limited amount of energy to give. When we spend it dwelling on the things that we can no longer change it takes away from the things that we can still control. Let it go.
I help out of shape business executives integrate healthy individual and organizational habits into daily rhythms. I do this by using organization, insight and accountability. Check out Executive Fitness at jonhoward.co and contact me from there if you are interested in learning more.
During all three of my 100 mile finishes I wanted to stop. Different things kept me going in each one. Sometimes it was the support of others. Other times it was knowing it would be worth it in the end. Sometimes we don’t see the finish line like I did during my 100 mile runs. That’s life. We can make checkpoints and set small goals though. We can focus on just doing what we can in that moment to move forward. Sometimes that’s the best we’ve got. That is enough. Keep going in some way with an optimistic mindset that things are going to eventually be better. Then, we’ve got to keep grinding it out until it breaks open and the wind catches our sails. Ride that wind and keep the pressure on. Just keep going.
I help out of shape business executives integrate healthy individual and organizational habits into daily rhythms. I do this by using organization, insight and accountability. Visit Executive Fitness at jonhoward.co and contact me from there if you are interested in learning more.
Today's episode challenges you to move towards your goals with relentless courage!
September 2024