Physical Education in the US by John F. Kennedy
I really like one early message in this video. It's about the understanding that Kennedy had about physical health as a keystone habit. When we are physically healthy, we are healthy in many other areas of our lives. A Great National Effort.
As I work with businesses in providing opportunities to integrate wellness into the careers and lives of their employees, this message rings true. It is important for kids to be active. However, our children are not the leaders in their lives. We are. If we do not model the behavior, as adults, they will default to living the sedentary lives many of us live today. It works both ways. It is also easier for us to put the responsibility on our children to shift the course of health in our country. While that thinking isn't backwards, it's not complete either. Rachael, Thank you for asking me for my thoughts. I am working to shift how business thinks about their human machines. Its our job, as adults to model the type of behavior we expect from our grown children. We all have careers. If we weave wellness into our careers, we will be healthier, more successful AND cast a model to inspire future generations to do the same. Insurance will cost less and productivity will increase as well. That information is based on many studies and much research that is not difficult to find. Kennedy had the idea many years ago. I am working to lead A Great National Effort and I think the idea is still very alive. I believe the disconnect comes in our (grown ups) unwillingness to take action towards creating the model for a healthier way of living.
Energize - Why, How, What?Can you list a couple of health and happiness benefits to regular exercise? I would imagine it’s pretty easy. More energy, strength, flexibility, confidence are just a few.
Today I’m going to give you a general outline of why I’m creating it, how you’ll experience it and what is included in this Energize program. Why Training Edge Sports is a global leader in health and success. In my journey as an entrepreneur I have learned that when the body is healthy, the mind follows and success is much more a reality. I know what it’s like to be busy. I also know what it’s like to integrate exercise into life. That’s why I've created this motivating tool for you to experience the benefits of regular exercise for yourself. How This is cool! There are a number of tools that you’ll gain access to upon getting started through this program. Then, to provide you with some accountability, by sharing your progress with me, you’ll unlock new phases as you progress through your journey towards more health and success. It starts with a Welcome PDF, Energize Goal Discovery Certificate and Cardio Efficiency Programming (a case study from my time at a major health club chain here in Minneapolis). Once you send me, via email or photo, your completed Goal Discovery Certificate, I’ll send over your Base Builder Package. With the Base Builder Package is a four week calendar for you to follow and fill out. Once you complete that calendar, send me a pic and I’ll send over the Fitness Builder Package. You’ll do the same thing for the Advanced Training material. If at any time you have questions about any of your training materials or need a little push, reach out to me at [email protected]. I will respond within 24 – 48 hours and strive to add massive value to your experience and life. What I've explained a little bit about this already but I’ll go into a bit more detail here. Initially you’ll get Welcome PDF, Energize Goal Discovery Cert and CEP. Once you establish a clear goal, complete with date of completion, and share it with me, I’ll send over the Base Builder Package. All packages include a four week and 4 – one week calendars (work to rest timing included), Daily Workouts PDF, Core Challenge, Fast Flexibility and Cardio Blast. The packages and phases of training are Base Builder, Fitness Builder and Advanced Training. Accountability is huge when striving for a goal. It is laid out for you to succeed. You’ve got accountability built in to your Energize experience by contacting me to unlock subsequent phases of training. Access to our Facebook community - EDGE Training Group is also included. Coming Soon! This Energize experience will be available soon. I’m quoting Steve Jobs when I say, “Real Artists Ship”. Energize will launch during the week of April 27. |
January 2025