Whether you’re a company of one or a company of 1,000 it doesn’t really matter. I can help provide wellness solutions that bring about engagement and build culture. How do I know? Because I’ve done it before!
​ Some of you may know that I do have unique experience in corporate wellness as I helped build a program from 2013 to 2017 from scratch at one business in Edina, MN. We did all sorts of cool things including exercise classes, health coaching, different challenges, newsletters, a wellness committee and even a healthy snack program. I’m not suggesting that’s what would fit your business but maybe some of it would. My business is in a season of growth and I’d love for you to be a part of it. If you or someone you know is at all interested in implementing a corporate wellbeing program, let me know or connect them to me and we’ll get the conversation started. I hope y’all have a fantastic day and, until next time, live with relentless courage. Jon NewsletterSignup for news and special offers! Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list.
"It's not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy." ~ unknown Gratitude
Have you ever had something weigh on your mind and no matter what you do you can't seem to make it go away? Sometimes you wish it would turn out differently or you had more control of the situation. Maybe it seems like it's just not fair. So much so that you fail to see the blessings and the potential good in it all.
If not, great! If you have, then you know, it can be very frustrating. That's where gratitude can be helpful.
Gratitude can:
Simple ways to be grateful:
You know that situation we talked about at the beginning? What if, instead of getting caught up in all that you can't control, you were to look at the potential benefits and practice gratitude.
​Happy Thanksgiving! NewsletterSignup for news and special offers! Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Basketball Training and Eating Less Chocolate ChipsThere is a connection and it might help you in your life. We can create opportunities for ourselves if we're intentional about how we structure our environment. Let me explain. Micah Lancaster is an elite basketball skills trainer who has worked with some of the biggest names in basketball. This past summer my daughter had the chance to attend one if his two day camps, which was set up by Midwest Basketball Training. During the camp, one of the main things Micah talked about in his work with the best basketball players in the world, is to take small steps. He talked about taking small steps to provide the opportunity to change direction and adjust to the situation. It allows us to keep our feet under our center of mass. When athletes do that, they have more decisions to make because their feet touch the ground more frequently. It puts them in a position of power over what they'll do next. This idea transcends basketball into many sports but Micah said it most memorably for me. How does this relate to eating less chocolate chips? Let me explain. One of my favorite snacks is greek yogurt and chocolate chips. I like the crunch of the chocolate chips, the flavor of the chocolate and the yogurt provides some protein and probiotic. The amount of yogurt has stayed the same but the amount of chocolate chips has steadily grown over time. This is where it gets good and where it might help you in your life. I analyzed the environment and got clearer on my goal to reduce the amount of chocolate chips I was eating. Then, my attention was brought to the size of the serving scoop in the chocolate chip container. I realized it was much bigger than it needed to be. So, I grabbed a small tablespoon and put it in the container instead. Of course I needed to try out my new process with a bowl of yogurt and chocolate chips. And that is why I chose to share it with you today. It worked! My goal is to eat less chocolate chips with my yogurt. By simply making the size of the serving utensil itself smaller, I created more opportunity to change direction and adjust to the situation. I'm confident this small change will help me eat less chocolate chips with my yogurt. Coaching is what I do. This is a perfect example of the types of things clients realize when they work with me. If you've got a goal or need help coming up with one, there are a couple of coaching spots available on my calendar. Email me at [email protected] with an idea of what you'd be looking for and we'll set up a time to chat and see if it's a good fit.
January 2025