"Habits don’t form themselves and old patterns can be difficult to break."
Can I help you run a marathon? Yes. Can I help you run 100 miles? Yes. That’s not what this is about though. There’s a place for that but this is about navigating everyday life. I’ve got 15 years experience in the fitness industry and have seen lots of fads and gimmicks come and go. There is no substitute for the basics, no substitute for mechanics. They seem easy, and most of them are. Most of the time they aren’t that simple though.
Why? Most people don’t know what to do or they don’t know how to do it. They Google something in a fleeting moment of inspiration, find an answer, stick with it for a day or two and go right back to whatever they were doing wishing they could just do it. It’s not that simple. Habits don’t form themselves and old patterns can be difficult to break. You might be surprised to learn that it doesn’t take an all or nothing approach to make sustainable change and real change does take time. Chances are you will have some setbacks. Good! How else are you going to learn what works for you and what doesn’t? You’re not, which is why our approach is different. We expect setbacks. Do not be unrealistic and set yourself up for failure. Instead, let’s learn together with your knowledge of yourself and my knowledge of healthy living how reaching your goals fits into your unique life. Then, we’ll piece it together.
January 2025