Jon Howard - Owner, Training Edge Sports "Specializing in Sports Performance, Wellness and Lifestyle Solutions for Youth, Businesses and Individuals" [email protected]
What is Your Why?I know… 2 “question” words in 1 question. It’s one that we are asking ourselves all the time. Our lives are our consequences good or bad, positive or negative and our consequences come from the decisions we make every day. We all make poor decisions sometimes that result in poor consequences. We all make great decisions sometimes as well which result in Great consequences. Think about this for just a moment… Imagine you have to make a critical decision. I’m not talking about the type of decision that you would make about the color of your car or where you’re going to go for dinner tonight. I’m talking about this… In my experience as a Trainer I’ve sat with people who really truly do not know why they do most things. They are so stuck in the habits that they formed when they were 25 years old. It’s difficult to get them to take you seriously when you start talking about goals, aspirations and dreams because it’s been so long since they thought about those things. They don’t have an answer. I challenge you this today. Not only what it is that you want, desire, dream about, but WHY it is that you want, desire, and dream about those things. I want this. I want that. Why? Often times I don’t even know. Because so and so has it, it looks cool, I think it might be fun, superficial “Why’s”. Let’s ask “Why” differently. - Because I want to Live longer so I can see my kids grow up and be active with my grandkids - Because I want to prove to myself that I CAN instead of constantly telling myself why I can’t - Because I want to live life to its fullest! - Because I AM capable of making a difference in this world I’m not here to tell you what your “Why” should be. I’m just suggesting that you go ahead and dream a little bit. Think about not only what you think you can have, do, give; but entertain the idea of accomplishing things that you would never think possible. Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. DREAM! ACTION: Don’t think about how you’re going to make what happen. Think about Why you do what you do. Once you’ve got that Why, pick a what and imagine how that looks. I challenge you to write it down BEFORE you have a plan. That way the doubts don’t have a chance to sneak in. WE ARE CAPABLE!! Regardless of our past circumstances, look ahead, make it better, give what you have, share what you know, and never stop examining your Why! Jon Howard - Owner, Training Edge Sports - "Lifestyle, Wellness, Sports Training Solutions" In my 5 years of experience in the fitness industry I've heard a number of different "reasons" why people aren't exercising. I usually respond with a very reasonable solution. Often times, however, my reasonable solution isn't reasonable enough. That doesn't have to be the case. YOU are capable of much more than you even think possible. Dream, believe they can come true, take steps to make them happen, and enjoy the ride!! Here are my REASONABLE SOLUTIONS to these "reasons":
If you can hear yourself giving these "reasons" and it makes you a little bit upset, you should probably get out there and move because you know you could benefit from eating right and moving more. We have ONE life people and choices about how we live it. Those choices also effect how long it lasts and the quality of our time here.
If you want to talk more about a Lifestyle Solution for you, your business, or your sports team please contact Jon at [email protected]. **Like Training Edge Sports on Facebook and follow TESports on Twitter for the last Training Edge Sports news and information. |
January 2025